TODO creates a gallery website from photo directories. Each directory must contain some pictures as well as a gallery descriptor
This file contains all the settings necessary to build the websites with various galleries and all kind of relevant informations. Here is the description of all fields:
// Global informations about the website
"website": {
"name": "Film gallery",
"author": "Jonathan Lurie",
"authorDescription": "Just a guy with a camera",
"description": "Some scanned analog films"
// Social media URLs, leave blank to disable the links
"social": {
"twitter": "",
"instagram": "",
"facebook": ""
// Negative will create resampled images in both full size and thumb
"photoSettings": {
"largestSide": 1000,
"largestSideThumb": 300
// Negative uses a work directory where your full size image are stored as well gallery descriptors
"buildSettings": {
"dataDir": "./data/",
"indexingFilename": "dataIndex.json",
"outDir": "./out/",
// if true, will rebuild all the galleries, recreate resampled images and thumbs, even for the galleries that are already built.
"forceRebuildAllDefault": false
// this fields are the one to fetch from each gallery descriptors. These fields will feed the graphic theme
"fields": [
A gallery descriptor is a json file that must be present in every gallery folder buildSettings.dataDir
(see the file config.json
). The descriptor can contain several fields, but only one is mandatory: date
. This allows Negative to order the galleries (newest on top). Here are the possible fields:
"date": "2017-02-25T01:05:35.375Z", // mandatory
"name": "My gallery", // optional
"author": "John Doe", //optional, overrides from config.js
"description": "My holidays in Patagonia" // optional
If the graphic theme is built accordingly, more fields can be added and displayed.